May 18, 2020
"We" Not "Me"!
Meditation 1 of 9
Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our first 20 minute meditation in our Step 1 Series. The first word of step 1 is "We" for a reason. When I came to AA, I had no idea how much of my recovery was dependent on my relationships with others. We will discuss a different tool in each Step 1...
May 18, 2020
Step 1 Is Only an Admission, Nothing More!
Meditation 2 of 9
Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our second 20 minute meditation in our Step 1 Series. My understanding of Step 1 is that we are preparing ourselves for the work to come. The real work comes later, but if we do not prepare the ground of our hearts properly, we...
May 18, 2020
Rigorous Honesty!
Meditation 3 of 9
Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our third 20 minute meditation in our Step 1 Series. Why is rigorous honesty so important? Unless I could learn to be honest with my Higher Power, myself, and another person, I had very little chance of staying sober. We will discuss a different tool in...
May 18, 2020
Powerlessness over Alcohol Is a Strength, Not a Weakness!
Meditation 4 of 9
Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our fourth 20 minute meditation in our Step 1 Series. The powerlessness I found in AA was a hidden strength that I thought was my greatest weakness. We will discuss a different tool in each Step 1 meditation.
May 18, 2020
If Surrender Works for Me, It Will Work for You!
Meditation 5 of 9
Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our fifth 20 minute meditation in our Step 1 Series. One of the gifts I have received from recovery is seeing others recover. My first meeting gave me the gift of hope that recovery would work for me. We will discuss a...